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Engine Room

Dear Psychology Students

Every year, psychology students plough through a truck load of theory, research and statistics in the pursuit of attaining their psychology degrees.  The federal government recently revealed that a third of university students are failing to complete courses they began within 6 years of enrolling, prompting action to reduce the worsening dropout rate.  At Masters & Co. (Psychology.Wellness) this concerns us too.  We have a strong value system that seeks to equip and empower the next generation of up and coming registered psychologists as they integrate into the marketplace, health system and various other settings where the need for psychological services is burgeoning.

When we liaise with students, we find that they often report discouragement at the time it takes to develop into quality registered professionals.  They report that with the predominant focus on 'theory based’ objectives throughout their degrees, they believe they have had very minimal exposure to working with 'actual context’ to the ratio of theory learned.  They report difficulties with comprehension at understanding how a patient attains better and desired outcomes.

Masters & Co. started a program called 'Engine Room', which are workshops offered to university students studying psychology (in 3rd year or above) to give them 'exposure' to the actual workings of a real clinic, alongside real clinicians (*within ethical guidelines). Some Engine Room participants are selected to engage in work experience.  A few are chosen to be supervised through their 4+2 registrar program while others are selected to work in the business ‘back office’ (learning our care model; marketing, branding; shop; events and content writing administration) giving them practical exposure to our care model, communications and mental health service provision. In serving and equipping like-minded graduates, we build demonstrated relationship and retain previously untapped industry passion necessary to sustain our industry.

For those interested, they need to be prepared for a screening interview with our Office Manager to learn of *terms and conditions.  

Contact us on 9409 6709 or email us through the link below.